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The Last Naruto Movie Eng Sub Download: How to Enjoy the Ultimate Naruto Experience


hey Answerman, last month I saw the Naruto movie and while it was OK it was basically a drawn out episode. I also saw one of the One Piece movies a while ago and it was the same. It seems like nothing really happens in the Shonen Jump movies, just once it would be nice if something big happened that was part of the main storyline. Why are the movies always like that? Yeah, they're generally all like that. The thing is, they can't do anything to drastically alter the TV show's storyline, since normally when they're releasing a film, the TV show is ongoing. So they have to write a side-story, and usually they involve some one-shot character that they spend way too much time on and the principal cast becomes the supporting cast. Most Shonen Jump-style movies - even with things like Inuyasha - are like watching long filler episodes. There's never a lot of meat to them, and they're generally pretty forgettable. In fact, the only kind of anime movies based on an existing TV show I genuinely find myself enjoying are the ones that "reimagine" the main plot; Escaflowne and Revolutionary Girl Utena are two great examples, and I suspect the upcoming animated Evangelion movies will be the same way. I've always liked highly stylized versions of popular characters and those sorts of films appeal to that sensibility, I guess.

The Last Naruto Movie Eng Sub Download


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